• Pre-K,STEM

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Partnering with you to provide God's best for your child.

父母希望上帝把最好的给他们的孩子,我们在幼儿园前的课程中也分享了这一愿望. CCA提供了一个以基督为中心的环境,让学生可以按照上帝的旨意发展和繁荣. We recognize that students have varied learning styles, rates of learning, and individual interests and talents. We are committed to meeting the spiritual, academic, 我们的学生在具有挑战性的学习环境中的社会需求, engaging, and inspiring. 尊重和高度期望所有学前班的学生是完成主耶稣基督对我们的学生和学校的旨意所必需的.

Telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord, and His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.
—Psalm 78:4

我们的学前教育项目符合所有ACSI(国际基督教学校协会)和DCF(儿童和家庭部)关于早期儿童设施的规定, 并获得了DCF颁发的卓越金章,以表彰我们优质的学前教育项目. 我们的学前班教师和助教达到或超过所有标准, and Broward County standards for early childhood educators.

    • Early Childhood,STEM

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Pre-K Curriculum

List of 6 items.

  • Core Curriculum

    专题学习单元与内部实地考察结合使用 A Beka Book curriculum in our Pre-Kindergarten program. Beautifully illustrated and imaginatively written, A Beka Book 一个全面的课程是促进敬虔的品格,同时加强预写吗, reading and math skills.
    课程整合了语言和早期读写能力发展以及数学的概念, science, social studies, health and safety, and personal and social development. 精细和粗大的运动协调能力每天通过数学练习得到加强, Art, and engaging instructional activities within the classroom. 通过向学生介绍知名作家的短篇小说和诗歌,听力和批判性思维能力得到了提高, 在整个学术生涯中为阅读理解打下坚实的基础.

    我们学前班的数学课程是撒克逊数学的混合体, Abeka Math, 以及来自德国的令人兴奋和创新的教育体系——Spielgaben. Students experience hands-on, 引人入胜的课程使用各种教具来促进严谨, yet age appropriate learning.

    Our Pre-K3圣经课程以适合年龄的应用和有意义的故事为特色,在年轻人的心中加强上帝的真理. 当学生们听到《bet36365体育网站》和《beat365体育亚洲官网》中的圣经人物时,他们会变得生动起来, see, and act out the Bible stories together.

    The Pre-K4 Bible curriculum, Walking With God and His People, is a powerful hands-on program designed to help pre幼儿园的学生认识神的话语,相信神的应许,活在信心和顺服中. 学生们可以通过活动和资源来加强理解, retention, and application.
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  • Weekly Chapel

    Pre–K students attend chapel on Friday mornings. 孩子们被领着敬拜,并听一个简短的圣经故事. 邀请家长和他们的孩子一起参加这个特殊的时刻.
  • Specials Classes

    Specials subjects, in addition to the core academic curriculum, are considered integral to a comprehensive education at CCA, and are thus included in our pre-kindergarten curriculum. Specials classes offered once a week in pre-k are Spanish, music, drama, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). 全日制学生每周上两次体育课. With the introduction to the various Arts, Physical Education, and STEM, 我们的学前班学生体验全面的课外课程.
  • STEM

    我们相信孩子们在积极玩耍和适合发展的活动中学习得最好, which defines our STEM program. 学生们在我们的幼儿园花园里种植、浇水和收获生菜、蔬菜、水果和草药. 未来的科学家正在通过引人入胜的科学实验学习应用科学和数学原理, and our young engineers plan, 设计和合作构建自己独特的课堂结构.

    Student ipads are loaded with various math, 科学和自然拼读应用程序,用于学习中心或作为整个班级的充实. 学生通过动手探索学习计算机如何工作以及为什么工作. 数学概念在整个课程以及我们的许多工程和科学活动中得到加强. 学生每周透过令人兴奋的科学实验,一窥上帝创造的奇妙世界.

    使用Mangobots,我们的学前班学生正在以令人兴奋的、富有想象力的方式学习编程. 机器人教授当今快节奏的科技进步世界所需的重要技能. Through experiential learning, students learn order of operations, algorithm design, pattern recognition, and have loads of fun coding their robots, 为小学蓬勃发展的机器人项目做准备, middle and high school.

    我们的STEM课程向年轻的学习者介绍并强化了圣经的世界观, 从而在发展的关键早期打下坚实的精神基础.
  • Spanish Immersion

    CCA is partnering with add.a.lingua, 开发尖端教学材料的组织, teacher and administrator training, program guidelines, 以及针对双语浸入式教育的社区参与. 西班牙语浸入式课程面向4年级至一年级的学生开放. 每年将增加一个额外的年级水平,以允许所有参与者在项目中晋升. 学生将100%接受西班牙语的学术指导, but Specials classes such as STEM, art, music, PE, computers, and drama will continue to be taught in English. Starting in 3rd grade, 学生将用英语学习一门或多门学术科目,以增加对两种语言的关键术语和策略的接触.

    各各他基督教学院认为,学生应该有机会从高质量的双浸入式机会中受益,确保在不影响英语语言表现的情况下熟练掌握一门以上的语言. 双语沉浸式课程将使我们的学生能够利用他们的天赋和才能为全球社区服务.

  • Highlights

    • Donuts with Dad
    • Muffins with Mom
    • Teddy Bear Picnic
    • Fire Truck Visits
    • Farm Day
    • Cowboy Day
    • Field Day
    • Snow Day
    • Police Officer Visit
    • Spirit Day
    • International Day

Jan Lashbrook

Early Childhood Director


Denise Slade

Early Childhood Assistant Director


Cheryl Bramos

Early Childhood Administrative Assistant


Early Childhood Office

(954) 905-5184

Pre-K Reflections


We value the trust that parents place in us, 并抓住机会与您合作,帮助您的学生做好准备:

  • Learn of Christ through a biblical school environment.
  • Love Others as Christ loves them.
  • Live in Christ, displaying the fruit of the Spirit, which will enable them to...
  • Lead like Christ to make an impact on their community and the world.


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