• 博客标题


  • 学校社团:好好利用时间

    感觉自己的时间被浪费了会让人沮丧, 不仅仅是成年人, 但对青少年来说也是如此. However, there are many things worth investing time in – school, family, church, hobbies… and clubs! 麦迪逊曼努埃尔, 劳德代尔堡CCA的12年级学生, shares the benefits that school clubs have to offer students and highlights clubs offered across CCA’s campuses.
  • 墨西哥传教之旅回忆录

    有没有想过学生传教士的日常生活是什么样的? Thea Young – an 11th grade student at CCA 劳德代尔堡 – shares her daily experiences from the Mexico Mission Trip she got to take part in this semester with other CCA juniors. Learn how serving internationally changed her perspective and led to spiritual growth, 以及如何参与全球任务!
  • 钱很重要:培养学生的金融素养

    Financial literacy is a crucial life skill that empowers individuals to make informed decisions about money management, 投资, 以及对未来的规划. 今年是全国金融扫盲月, learn how CCA 劳德代尔堡 and Hollywood high schoolers are being equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to confidently navigate the complexities of personal finance from a biblical perspective.

  • 硅谷的复兴:纪念西拉·马修的遗产

    失去或痛苦是否曾让你怀疑神的良善? 你并不孤单. 在圣经中, we see examples of godly men and women who brought their questions and grief to the Lord. This is exactly what CCA 高中 students have been encouraged to do in response to the passing of one of their peers – Selah Mathew. Learn how Selah’s legacy and her family’s steadfast faith has sparked a spiritual revival at CCA 劳德代尔堡.
  • CCA校友在南佛罗里达重新构想初级保健

    为了纪念全国医生日,让我们一起来了解一下. 约翰•琼斯, 2012届CCA毕业生, 用他的创新影响了南佛罗里达社区, 以病人为中心的方法作为初级保健医生.
  • 在家学习:给父母的实用工具

    努力支持孩子在家学习? 故事莫拉莱斯, 劳德代尔堡CCA的小学教师, understands the challenges parents face in navigating the changing landscape of education. 拥有超过16年的教学经验, she offers practical strategies to empower parents to enhance their child's academic journey.
  • 为大学做准备:宿舍必需品

    There are many steps when it comes to preparing your teen for independence in college. 我们是来帮忙的! 本文由CeCe Jacob撰写, CCA’s 校友 Relations Coordinator – will share necessary items for your teen’s first year in a college dorm.
  • 7种方法挽回你的早晨习惯

    确保你的孩子按时上学是每天的挑战, 尤其是在由于夏令时而失去了一个小时的睡眠之后. 在这篇文章中,Mrs. Tarsis Martinez – Lower School Principal at Calvary Christian Academy Hollywood – presents a concise and actionable guide to help parents redeem their morning routine and set their children up for success in school and life!
  • 如何说出孩子的主要爱的语言

    Parents – discover the different ways you can show love to your children and meet their emotional needs from Dr. 加里·查普曼, author of the international bestselling book “The 5 Love Languages” and guest speaker for a Parenting Talk event hosted by Calvary Chapel 劳德代尔堡’s Family Ministry. 这个情人节, 给你的孩子/青少年一份个性化的爱的礼物, 有意义的方式!
  • 万国:各各他国际学校的成长

    劳德代尔堡各各他教堂(CCFL)的事工, CCA has been presented with unique opportunities to make disciples of all nations. Joe Wilson – CCA’s Head of Lower Schools and CCFL Mission Advisory Board Member – shares an update on how CCA students and staff are getting into the global story God is writing by partnering with CCFL missionaries who are running flourishing Christian schools in Central and South America.
  • 用“四种”分享你的信仰

    As disciples of Jesus, we are called to preach the gospel and make disciples of all nations. But it can be intimidating sharing the gospel with others – where do you even begin? This article highlights a simple and practical method for sharing your faith that involves just four steps.
  • 给自己的提示:把写日记融入你的日常生活

    The New Year is a chance to evaluate our lives and to implement practices that better align with the life we desire. 持牌婚姻及家庭治疗师, 埃迪弓箭手, shares why and how you should make journaling a part of your daily rhythms this year.
  • 有趣又有教育意义:给孩子们的12个圣诞礼物点子 & 青少年

    Still searching for Christmas gifts for your child and/or other children in your life? 我们会帮你的! 在本文中, Calvary Christian Academy leaders share their top toy and game recommendations that are not only fun for kids, 但也有教育价值!

    如果你对这个列表有任何补充,一定要留下评论. 🎁
  • 超越直升机式养育:赋予青少年思考和决定的能力

    青少年可能有脱离父母的倾向, 但父母必须有策略地抵制这种趋势. 娜塔莉Talpesh, 九年级和十年级女生的CCA学校辅导员, shares insightful and practical information on how parents can empower their teens to make sound decisions as their brains continue to develop.
  • 心怀感恩之心[VLOG]

    为什么神在他的话语中引导我们感恩的心? 观看CCA总裁Dr. Jason Rachels as he shares his thoughts on the matter in preparation for Thanksgiving.
  • 与学员交流

    “自由不是免费的,因为它是由保护它的人付出的.” Learn how CCA Elementary students have made connections with West Point cadets through a program founded by CCA alumnus Brock Peyton (Class of 2022) who is currently in his second year at the United States Military Academy. To all who have served and are currently serving – we honor and salute you! 🇺🇸
  • 神的良善透过献祭来彰显

    礼物有很多种形式. Some gifts are monetary, others are handcrafted, and others can meet a practical need. God often calls us to step out and offer the gifts He has given us to be used for a greater purpose, 这反过来又显示了他的仁慈. Discover how two individuals gave what they had to meet a need and impact the CCA community.
  • 不要再找借口! 帮助孩子承担责任的5个建议

    As humans, we often resort to making excuses as a way to avoid taking responsibility for our actions. 孩子也不例外. Jan Lashbrook, CCA的幼儿部主任, offers valuable insight for parents to empower their children to act responsibly in light of God’s love and grace.
  • 通过你的慷慨改变生活!

    Learn how the generosity shown by CCA’s community is equipping current and future students with a Christ-centered education, 资源, 以及在他们的信仰之旅中充当锚的机会. 当你和我们一起回顾过去,追忆上帝的信实, 我们希望你也能和我们一起梦想未来的增长!

  • 帮助你的孩子适应学校的新季节

    从小学到中学的过渡, 从初中到高中, or high school to college can be an intimidating change for children and teens. 这篇文章是由心理健康专家写的 HCA佛罗里达, 为学术提供了启发, 社会, and emotional pressures they face and offers parents/guardians practical tips to foster a stronger, 与孩子建立更多的支持关系. CCA is thankful to have HCA Florida Healthcare sponsor its CCA 劳德代尔堡 Clinic for the 7th year in a row.


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